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Course Materials
Office Hours and Help Room
Software Setup Guide
Generative AI Policy
CLI (Unix/Mac/Linux) commands cheat sheet
Windows vs Unix commands
Git Cheat Sheet
How to Access “Anaconda Powershell Prompt” (for Windows users)
Making and merging Pull Requests on GitHub
Semester Project
Semester Project Details
Semester Project Requirements and Grading Rubric
Midterm Study Guide
Exam II Study Guide
Daily Content
Day 1
In-class Notebook: Welcome to CMSE202
Day 2
Pre-Class Assignment: Reflection and an introduction to the Command Line Interface (CLI)
In-class Notebook: Command line interface
Day 3
Pre-Class Assignment: Python Review and Intro to Git
In-Class Assignment: Practice with Git and GitHub
Day 4
Pre-class Assignment: Python Packages
In-class Assignment: Installing Python Packages and Plotting with Maps in Python
Day 5
Pre-Class Assignment: Pandas Review
In-Class Assignment: Reviewing Pandas and exploring data
Day 6
Pre-class Assignment: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
In-class Assignment: We have a Zoo!
Day 7
Pre-class Assignment: object inheritance and composition
In-class Assignment: We have a Zoo! (part 2)
Day 8
Pre-Class Assignment: Agent-based Modeling of Superbugs
In-Class Assignment: Simulating Superbugs using agent-based modeling
Day 9
Pre-Class Assignment: Reviewing another agent-based model built using Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
In-Class Assignment: Agent Based Modeling of Superbugs (part 2)
Day 10
Pre-Class Assignment: Conflicts in Git and Graph Theory
In-Class Assignment: Graph Theory
Day 11
Pre-class Assignment: Project Brainstorming & Graph Theory and Cell Towers
In-class Assignment: Graph Theory and Cell Towers
Day 12
In-Class Assignment: Reviewing Project Ideas
Day 13
Pre-Class Assignment: Regression
In-Class Assignment: Linear Regression
Day 14
Pre-Class Assignment: Polynomial Regression
In-Class Assignment: Multiple Regression
Day 15
Pre-class Assignment: Intro to Machine Learning
In-Class Assignment: Machine Learning; classification with logistic regression
Day 16
Pre-Class Assignment: Git with it! (collaborating with Git)
In-Class Assignment: Collaborating with Git
Day 17
Pre-Class Assignment: Revisiting generative AI and reflecting on group work experiences
In-Class Assignment: Revisiting Generative AI and Project Planning
Day 18
Pre-class Assignment: The Perceptron Classifier (a simple neural network)
In-Class Assignment: The Perceptron Classifier
Day 19
Pre-Class Assignment: Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
In-Class Assignment: Machine learning with an SVM Classifier
Day 20
Pre-Class Assignment: Project updates!
Day 21
Pre-Class Assignment: Further exploration of SVMs
In-Class Assignment: SVMs continued
Day 22
Pre-Class Assignment: Principal Component Analysis
In-Class Assignment: Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Homework 1
Homework 2
Homework 3
Homework 4