Computational Modeling and Data Analysis II#

Course Details#

Here are some quick links to important course content:

  • Course Syllabus

  • Course Calendar

  • Office Hours Schedule

    • See the bottom of this page for an embedded version.

    • The calendar events contain the zoom links for office hours and help room. For the TA and LA Help Room hours, the zoom link is the same for all sessions and the passcode is cmse202. The course instructors have unique zoom links for their office hours.

Course assignments will be distributed via this page and turned in on Desire 2 Learn.

General course discussion and assistance will be held in the #cmse202-f24-help channel on the CMSE Slack space. There are also section specific channels in the format of #cmse202-###-f24 where “###” corresponds to the section number.

Instructor Information#

Section Instructors#

  • Nathan Haut (Sections 001 & 002),
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering

  • Firas Khasawneh (Section 003),
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering

  • Wolfgang Kerzendorf (Section 004),
    Assistant Professor
    Departments of Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering; Astrophysics

Teaching Assistants#

Maryam Berijanian (Section 001),

Keerthi Gogineni (Section 002),

Sunia Tanweer (Section 003),

Max Chumley (Section 004),

Haishen Dai (Section 004 Grader)

Learning Assistants#

  • Tanmay Grandhisiri & Joseph Dougherty (Section 001)

  • Jack Butzu (Section 002)

  • Alexander Grunewald & Tasmia Rahman (Section 003)

  • Sanskriti Verma & Bea Lu (Section 004)

Office hours/Help room calendar#

Help room hours and locations for all CMSE 202 Instructors, TAs, and LAs can be found in the events on the following calendar. For the TA and LA Help Room hours, the zoom link is the same for all sessions and the passcode is cmse202. The course instructors have unique zoom links for their office hours.