CMSE 201 Semester Schedule*

CMSE 201 Semester Schedule*#



1 (Aug 26/27)

Class expectations, pre-course survey, group sorting algorithm activity

2 (Aug 28/29)

Introduction to Python, variables, order of magnitude estimates

No class
(Sep 2/3)

Labor Day - Tuesday sections canceled to stay in sync with Monday sections

3 (Sep 4/5)

Lists and loops

4 (Sep 9/10)

Data ethics, academic integrity, and good coding practices

5 (Sep 11/12)

Conditional arguments, if statements, and introduction to functions

6 (Sep 16/17)


7 (Sep 18/19)

Reviewing the basics and tips for debugging code

HW (Sep 20)

Homework #1 will be due by 11:59pm on Friday, September 20th(should be released on September 11)

8 (Sep 23/24)

Python modules (e.g. math and matplotlib)

9 (Sep 25/26)

NumPy basics (loading and plotting data) & the correlation coefficient + Quiz #1

10 (Sep 30/Oct 1)

Basic statistics and introduction to Pandas

11 (Oct 2/3)


12 (Oct 7/8)

Working with unprocessed data

13 (Oct 9/10)

Finding resources online and tinkering with code

HW (Oct 11)

Homework #2 will be due by 11:59pm on Friday, October 11th

14 (Oct 14/15)

Linear regression 1 (evaluating model fits)

15 (Oct 16/17)

Linear regression 2 (fitting curves to data) + Quiz #2; Code Portfolio Check-in #1 due by 11:59pm following the quiz

No class
(Oct 21/22)

Fall Break

16 (Oct 24/23)

Solving ordinary differential equations numerically

17 (Oct 28/29)

Solving ordinary differential equations with solve_ivp

18 (Oct 30/31)

Compartmental Modeling 1

HW (Nov 1)

Homework #3 will be due by 11:59pm on Friday, Nov 1st

19 (Nov 4/5)

Compartmental Modeling 2

P (Nov 6/7)

Project Plan Check-in due by 11:59pm on Nov 6 (M/W sections) or Nov 7 (T/Th sections)

20 (Nov 6/7)

Using plots effectively (data visualization)

21 (Nov 11/12)

Revisiting NumPy: array creation and manipulating 2D arrays + Quiz #3

22 (Nov 13/14)

Agent-based modeling 1

23 (Nov 18/19)

Agent-based modeling 2

24 (Nov 20/21)

Data Ethics and Algorithmic Bias

HW 4 (Nov 24)

Homework #4 will be due by 11:59pm SUNDAY, Nov 24th

P (Nov 24/25)

Project Draft due by 11:59pm on Nov 25 (M/W sections) or Nov 26 (T/Th sections)

No class
(Nov 27/28)

Thanksgiving Break

P (Dec 1/2)

Final Project Notebook due by 11:59pm on Dec 1 (M/W sections) or Dec 2 (T/Th sections)

P (Dec 2/3)

In-class project presentations day 1

P (Dec 4/5)

In-class project presentations day 2

F (Dec 9-13)

Final Exam Week: Quiz #4; Code Portfolio Check-in #2 due by 11:59pm following the quiz

*This is the tentative schedule prior to the start of the semester. The overall content shouldn’t change, but ordering or deadlines may shift somewhat. If deadlines change, substantial notice will be given!