CMSE/MTH 314 Software Setup#

Instructions for connecting to the engineering JupyterHub server:#

Every student enrolled in this class will be given an engineering computing account. If this is your first time using your Engineering account you will need to activate the account by going to the following website:

Enter your MSU NetID. The initial password will be your Apid with an @ on the end (example: A12345678@) and then they have to set a password that meets the requirements listed on the page. Verify the password. Then agree to the terms and Activate.

Once your account is activated you can access the classroom Jupyterhub server using the following instructions:

  1. Open up a web browser and go to the following URL:

  2. Type your engineering login name. This will be your MSU NetID.

  3. Your engineering password. If everything is working properly you will see the main “Files” windows in the Jupyter interface.

Instructions for getting iPython notebook files into Jupyter:#

iPython notebooks (also referred to as Jupyter notebooks) are files that end with the .ipynb extension. We will give you these files for your pre-class assignments, in-class assignments, and homeworks. You will edit them and turn in the edited files to D2L.

You can download the .ipynb assignment files from the class website. Once you have an .ipynb file you can load it into Jupyter using the “upload” button on the main “Files” tab in the Jupyter web interface. Hitting this button will cause a file browser window to open. Just navigate to your ipynb file, select it and hit the open button.

Once you see your filename in the jupyter window you can just click on that name to start using that file.

Instructions for making a copy of iPython notebooks and turning them in:#

When you are finished editing your iPython notebook and are ready to turn in the assignment you will need to download either the .html file (for pre-class assignments and in-class assignments) or the .ipynb file (for homeworks) from the Jupyter interface.

  1. With the notebook file open in Jupyter, go to the “File” menu, select the “Download as” menu option and then choose “HTML (.html)” or “Notebook (.ipynb)”

  2. Pick a place on your local machine to save the file.

  3. Go to the D2L site for this course and upload the .html or .ipynb file into the appropriate place.

Instructions for downloading Anaconda (Python 3.x):#

This section is only necessary if you wish to run Jupyter notebooks on your local machine.

  1. Go to the Anaconda Download webpage:

  2. Pick your operating system.

  3. Download the Python 3.x version (64 bit recommended).

  4. Follow the directions at the bottom of the page to install Python on your specific operating system.

  5. Open the command line program on your computer

    • On windows, type CMD in the run box in the Start menu.

    • On Mac, type “terminal” and hit enter in the Finder window

    • On Linux, open up the console application

  6. Type “jupyter notebook” in the command line and hit enter If everything goes correctly, a browser window should open up with the Jupyter interface running. If things don’t work, don’t worry; we will help you get started.