Day 06: Pre Class Assingment:
Project Planning#

✅ Put your name here.#


Learning Goals#

  • Explain the considerations and processes for picking a research project,

  • Explain why project management skills are important,

  • Explain the five tips of project management and identify strategies to apply them,

Goals for today’s pre-class assignment#

  1. Project management

Project management: picking project#

In the next few weeks, we will touch on the best practices for project managements.

Main considerations when picking a project#

🗒️ Task: Read How to Choose a Research Thesis Topic and answer the following quesitons:

  • What are the three main considerations? Define them.

  • Among these three, how much weight would you put on each one of them (total=1) and why?

✏️ Answer:

The process of picking a project#

🗒️ Task: Toward the end of the article, there is a 10-point take-home message section. Answer the questions below relevant to some of the points:

  • Identify the area of research that you are passionate about.

    • How would you go about doing this?

  • Skim through recent articles around that topic and highlight main points.

    • Where do you usually find relevant articles of your interests?

  • Find potential gaps that require more research (there should always be some).

    • How may you go about doing this?

  • Rank gaps from highest to lowest in importance (subjective) in terms of impact

    • What are the factors you may consider in your ranking?

✏️ Answer:

Project management: managing project#

We discussed picking a project last week, we will now focus on how to manage it.

Why you need good management skills#

🗒️ Task: Read How to Manage a Research Project in Graduate School and answer the following quesitons:

  • Why is managing a research project an important skill for a graduate student?

  • Why is the project management skill valuable for future careers?

  • What are the factors to consider when managing a research project? Do you agree with the factors discussed? Do you have additional factors you find important?

✏️ Answer:

Best practice in project management#

QUESTION: The articles provide five tips for managing your project. One of them (funding) I don’t find particularly useful, but add another below. In the cell below, explain how you:

  • Set your goals early,

  • Consider your time,

  • Weigh the risk,

  • Consider the value,

  • Maintain work-life balance.

✏️ Answer:

Learn with AI#

The next video is a short introduction to Generative AI and its potential.


from IPython.display import YouTubeVideo
YouTubeVideo('2IK3DFHRFfw', width=600, height=400)

🗒️ Task: To better understand how you can use AI for your own learning, the instructor has provided a guide Learn with AI on the class website and D2L. Read it and use it to help you complete this assignment and all the rest. Pay close attention to the section on Effective Prompting Strategies.

Then write a brief reflection addressing the following:

  • What are ways that you think that AI can be used productively in your academic career, especially in this classroom.

  • What are ways that you think that AI can be used unproductively in your academic career, especially in this classroom.

  • What do you think are acceptable uses of AI in this class?

  • What do you think are unacceptable uses of AI in this class?

✏️ Answer:

Assignment wrap-up#

Please fill out the form that appears when you run the code below. You must completely fill this out in order to receive credit for the assignment! If running the cell doesn’t work in VS Code copy the link src and paste in the browser. Make sure to sign in with your MSU email.

from IPython.display import HTML

Congratulations, you’re done with your pre-class assignment!#

Now, you just need to submit this assignment by uploading it to the course Desire2Learn web page for the appropriate pre-class submission folder. (Don’t forget to add your name in the first cell).

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