Day 01: In Class Assignment: Welcome to CMSE802#

Fractal art

Image source

Student Identification#

Please do not modify the structure or format of this cell. Follow these steps:

  1. Look for the “YOUR SUBMISSION” section below

  2. Replace [Your Name Here] with your name

  3. If you worked with groupmates, include their names after your name, separated by commas

  4. Do not modify any other part of this cell


Single student:  John Smith
Group work:      John Smith, Jane Doe, Alex Johnson

YOUR SUBMISSION (edit this line only):

✅ [Your Name Here]


  • Keep the “✅” symbol at the start of your submission line

  • Use commas to separate multiple names

  • Spell names exactly as they appear in the course roster

  • This cell has been tagged as “names” - do not modify or remove this tag


  1. Learning objectives

  2. Get to know each other

  3. About the course

  4. Review of pre-class assignment

  5. Setting up for the class

Learning objectives#

At the end of the exercise, you should be able to:

  • Explain the course goals and the major components of the class.

  • Assess Jupyter notebooks using your computer and through the Engineering JuputerHub.

  • Make changes to Jupyter notebooks and save them.

  • Explain why a version control system like GitHub is useful.

  • Create a GitHub repository named CMSE-802-LASTNAME and push new content to the repository

Get to know each other#

DO THIS: Form groups of 3-4 people, interview each other by asking the following questions:

  • What is your name and where are you from?

  • What is your area of research in \(\leq 7\) words?

  • What is that one thing you can share so others in the class know you better (e.g., favorite book, hobby, or unforgettable experience)?

✏️ Answer: Delete this sentence and put your answers here.

About the course#

Please see the powerpoint presentation by the instructor.

QUESTION: After learning about others’ responses to the survey in terms of their skill levels and what they would like to get out of the class, what are your thoughts on:

  • What areas may you help the others to learn about computational modeling?

  • Are there topics you think we should emphasize more after you hear from others?

✏️ Answer: Delete this sentence and put your answers here.

Review of pre-class assignment#

In group of 3-4, answer the following:

QUESTION: Did you get stuck doing pre-class exercise? If so where did you get stuck? Discuss with your groupmates on how they get them to work. What solutions did your groupmates suggest?

✏️ Answer: Delete this sentence and put your answers here.

Connect to JupyterHub#

Make sure you are able to connect to MSU’s jupyterjub at Instructions are in the Software Setup Guide.

Congratulations, you’re done!#

Submit this assignment by uploading your notebook to the course Desire2Learn web page. Go to the “In-Class Assignments” folder, find the appropriate submission link, and upload everything there. Make sure your name is on it!

© 2024 Michigan State University. This material was created for the Department of Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering (CMSE) at Michigan State University.