In order to successfully complete this assignment you need to participate both individually and in groups during class on Monday January 13th.

Day 01 ICA: Welcome to CMSE 401 - Methods in Parallel Programming#

Image from:

Agenda for today’s class (70 minutes)#

  1. (15 minutes) Download Assignment/Follow OnDemand HPCC Demo

  2. (10 minutes) Round Robin Introductions

  3. (5 minutes) Knowing what you don’t know

  4. (10 minutes) Jargon Jar and Command History

  5. (20 minutes) Syllabus and Schedule

1. Accessing MSU ICER’s OnDemand resources#

  1. Navigate to and login using your msu account.

  2. Launch one of the development nodes by clicking on Development Nodes at the top of the page.

  3. Setup a CMSE 401 Github repository and clone it onto the HPCC. (Also clone the course demo repository (hoolagans/CMSE401_S25_Public))

  4. If this does not work, you may need to setup a Personal Access Token (PAT)

  5. If you have difficulties ask the instructor, TA or the student next to you.

2. Round Robin Introductions#

Briefly say who you are, what is your major and why you want to take this class.

3. Knowing what you don’t Know#

4. Jargon Jar and Command History#

Definition of Jargon: “Special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand.”

  • Discipline-specific terms

  • Words with multiple meanings

  • Cultural references

  • Idioms

  • Acronyms

During this entire course, students are encouraged to add terms and phrases that are confusing to this notebook. As a group we also encourage everyone to add definitions, examples and references to our Jargon Jar. The Jargon Jar is prepopulated with terms that previous students found useful.

5. Syllabus and Schedule#

Congratulations, we’re done!#

Course Resources:

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