Homework 5#
Due Sunday, Mar 16, 2025 at midnight on Crowdmark.
This homework covers four classes. Problems listed below are from the textbook.
Mon 2/24, we covered 6.1 (Subset selection)
Wed 2/26, we covered 6.2.1 Ridge Regression, and Fri 2/28, we covered 6.2.2 Lasso
Mon 3/10, we covered Dimension Reduction (PCA)
Weds 3/12, we covered PCR
In this homework, we’ll only have two problems which cover the topics above.
Do the subset selection problem written below.
6.6.9 (a-e, g)
For each of parts (c), (d), and (e), additionally provide a plot showing the test error for either the potential \(\lambda\) (AKA \(\alpha\)) values for ridge/lasso or the potential dimension \(M\) for PCR to justify the choice.
Subset selection problem#
Below are the training and testing error from doing linear regression on different subsets of the variables from the auto
data set to predict mpg
Variables |
Train Score |
Test Score |
null model |
60.76 |
60.73 |
(cylinders,) |
24.02 |
24.15 |
(horsepower,) |
23.94 |
24.19 |
(weight,) |
18.68 |
18.84 |
(acceleration,) |
49.87 |
50.26 |
(cylinders, horsepower) |
20.85 |
21.13 |
(cylinders, weight) |
18.38 |
18.55 |
(cylinders, acceleration) |
23.94 |
24.38 |
(horsepower, weight) |
17.84 |
18.03 |
(horsepower, acceleration) |
22.46 |
22.70 |
(weight, acceleration) |
18.25 |
18.61 |
(cylinders, horsepower, weight) |
17.76 |
17.99 |
(cylinders, horsepower, acceleration) |
20.06 |
20.44 |
(cylinders, weight, acceleration) |
18.13 |
18.54 |
(horsepower, weight, acceleration) |
17.84 |
18.16 |
(cylinders, horsepower, weight, acceleration) |
17.76 |
18.13 |
(Parts a, b, and c) For each of the three subset selection methods discussed in class ((a) best subset selection, (b) forward selection, and (c) backward selection), do the following
Describe the steps taken in the algorithm to arrive at a conclusion for the best possible model.
Be sure to say what \(M_k\) is for \(k= 0 , 1, \cdots, 4\).
What is the best model returned by the algorithm? Give the full equation for
in terms of the variables, although you don’t know the learned coefficients so those can be left in terms of \(\hat \beta_i\)’s.How many models do you have to train to arrive at the conclusion?
(d) Are your answers to (a), (b), and (c) the same? Do we expect them to be?
Note that I am not assuming you need to code any of these options, you only need to calculate by hand.
Note: the content from Wed, 3/12, will be included on the exam.
Standard instructions for submissions and deadlines can be found on the Homework Info Page.