Homework 1#
Due Sunday, Jan 26, 2025 at midnight on Crowdmark.
This homework covers two classes. Problems listed below are from the textbook.
Mon 1/13, we covered Ch 1 and Reviewed Python (Sec 2.4).
Be sure to post a gif in the slack channel!
2.4.9: Use the auto data set from class.
Weds 1/15, we covered Sec 2.2
2.4.2. Explain your reasoning. Note that parts a and b were likely discussed in class.
2.4.4 a,b. Describe one example for each of part a, and b.
Fri 1/17, we covered Ch 2.2.1 - 2.2.2
2.4.3 (Note we have only done irreducible error, not Bayes error since that has to do with classification)
Note that there is a typo in 2.4.8f, at least with respect to the version of the data set we have. The information in the
column is a percentage 0-100 rather than a value between 0 and 1. So use the following replacement code instead.
college['Elite'] = pd.cut(college['Top10perc'], [0,50,100], labels=['No', 'Yes'])
Note: the content from Mon, 1/22, and Weds, 1/24 will be included on HW2, which is due next week.
Standard instructions for submissions and deadlines can be found on the Homework Info Page.