In order to successfully complete this assignment, you must follow all the instructions in this notebook and upload your edited ipynb file to D2L with your answers on or before 11:59pm on Friday February 19th.

BIG HINT: Read the entire homework before starting.

Homework 2: Affine Transform

In this homework you will use the ipywidgets.interact (or ipywidgets.interact_manual) function to build a interface to translate, scale, rotate and shear an image using skimage.transform and skimage.transform.warp ( We will then "stitch" the images together similar to the following:

An figure showing how we will be stitching images together

Homework Agenda

  1. Reading in example image files
  2. Design Transforms
  3. Stitch Images together
  4. Build an combined affine transform function.
  5. Exploring Transforms Interactively
  6. Stitching the Billboad and Example images
  7. Be creative

NOTE: Highlighted sections above (2,4,6,7) require the majority of student input. The rest are mostly intended to glue the project together and facilitate learning.

In [1]:
# Here are some libraries you may need to use
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pylab as plt

import sympy as sp

import numpy as np

from ipywidgets import interact, interact_manual
import math

1. Reading in example image files

The following code reads a list of image files from a website and saves them in their own 3D numpy arrays. The first dimension of each array is the row, the second dimension is the column and the third dimension is the color (R,G,B).

NOTE (this is important to remember): images have a coordinate system with origin in the upper left and the $z$ axis going into the screen. Also, images are indexed by [Rows] and then [Columns]. This means that the first index corresponds to the traditional y-axis and the second index corresponds to the x-axis (which is backwards to traditional euclidean axes).

In [2]:
#The following code snip-it downloads the files from internet and saves tnhem to your local directory.
from urllib.request import urlopen, urlretrieve
import imageio

#Load a list of images
ImageList = [('beaumont', ',c_fill,w_1000,g_face,q_50/Michigan/migration_photos/G21696/G21696-msubeaumonttower01.jpg'
             ('billboard', ''),
             ('banner', '')

for name, url in ImageList:
    file = name+'.png'
    urlretrieve(url, file);
    exec(name + " = imageio.imread(file)")
In [3]:
#Pick an image and show it
im = banner

2. (20 points) Design Transforms

The skimage library allows us to apply a $3 \times 3$ transformation matrix to an image using the transform.warp function.

warp uses an Inverse coordinate map as an input, which transforms coordinates in the output images ($P_o$) into their corresponding coordinates in the input image ($P_i$). This means we need to think about what we want the output image to look like and apply all of the transformations to get it to the original input image.

$$P_i = TP_o$$

Where $P_o$ is a point in the output image, $P_i$ is a point in the input image and $T$ is the $3x3$ image transform.

For example, if we want to have our output image shrink by a half, this typically would be a contraction:

$$A = \left[ \begin{matrix}0.5 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0.5 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{matrix}\right]$$

However, warp wants transforms that go from output image to input image. This means we want to double the size of the image, which can be done with a dilation:

$$B = \left[ \begin{matrix}2 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 2 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{matrix}\right]$$

Also note that $A^{-1} = B$.

Here is an example of how to use the transform.warp function:

In [4]:
from skimage import transform

S = np.matrix([[2,0,0], [0,2,0], [0,0,1]])
/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dask/ YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without Loader=... is deprecated, as the default Loader is unsafe. Please read for full details.
  data = yaml.load( or {}
$$\left[\begin{matrix}2 & 0 & 0\\0 & 2 & 0\\0 & 0 & 1\end{matrix}\right]$$

What we really want is the output image to be centered. Since most transformations are symmetric around the origin, that means we want to move the center of the image to the origin first (at least for scaling, rotation and shear). In our scaling example, to go from a centered output, we would first translate it from the center to the origin and then scale the image and translate it back to the center using the following transforms:

In [5]:
# Translate image to put the center at the origin
Tc = np.matrix([[1,0,-im.shape[1]/2], [0,1,-im.shape[0]/2], [0,0,1]])
$$\left[\begin{matrix}1.0 & 0.0 & -370.0\\0.0 & 1.0 & -96.0\\0.0 & 0.0 & 1.0\end{matrix}\right]$$
In [6]:
# translate image back so that the upper left point is at the origin

To = np.matrix([[1,0,im.shape[1]/2], [0,1,im.shape[0]/2], [0,0,1]])
$$\left[\begin{matrix}1.0 & 0.0 & 370.0\\0.0 & 1.0 & 96.0\\0.0 & 0.0 & 1.0\end{matrix}\right]$$
In [7]:
#Combine the transforms into one matrix
T = To*S*Tc
$$\left[\begin{matrix}2.0 & 0.0 & -370.0\\0.0 & 2.0 & -96.0\\0.0 & 0.0 & 1.0\end{matrix}\right]$$
In [8]:
plt.imshow(transform.warp(im, T));

DO THIS: Construct another transformation matrix (named R) that rotates the image 30 degrees (clockwise) around it's center. Apply this new matrix such that we get a scaled and rotated image T. Show the image and make sure it has in fact rotated by 30 degrees in the clockwise direction.

In [9]:
#Put your rotation code here.
In [10]:
from answercheck import checkanswer


DO THIS: write a third transformation matrix (named SH) that conducts a shear of the image. The matrix should be in the following form. To test this matrix use shx=-0.3 and shy=0.1:

$$A = \left[ \begin{matrix}1 & shx & 0 \\ shy & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{matrix}\right]$$

Apply this new matrix such that we get a scaled and sheared image. Show the image.

Note: the term shear may be new. here is a good matrix definition:

In [11]:
#Put your shear code here.
In [12]:
#Check the Combined R and S matrix
from answercheck import checkanswer

3. Stitch Images together

Lets use this technique to "stitch" two images together. This is a little tricky so we will use the following function (You do not need to modify this function or anything in section 3). This function takes three inputs; the foreground image (i.e. the image to be transformed, the background image and the corresponding transform:

In [13]:
def stitch_images(forground, background, T):
    """Function to stitch to images together by transforming the forground image by T 
    and then overlaying the resulting image on top of the background
    background: the background image to use
    forground: the image to be transformed
    T: 3x3 transformation matrix
    output: stitched image the same size as the background.
    warpped_img = transform.warp(forground, T, output_shape=background.shape)
    if background.shape != warpped_img.shape:
        raise Exception('Size Missmatch Error - Input images should be the same size')
    if (len(background.shape) != 3):
        raise Exception('Image Type error - Images should be in RGB format')
    red_src = np.array(background[:,:,0])
    green_src = np.array(background[:,:,1])
    blue_src = np.array(background[:,:,2])

    scale = 1
    if (np.max(warpped_img) == 1):
        scale = 255.0
    red_dst = warpped_img[:,:,0]*scale
    green_dst = warpped_img[:,:,1]*scale
    blue_dst = warpped_img[:,:,2]*scale

    image_mask = (np.sum(warpped_img, axis=2) == 0)
    red_new = red_src*image_mask
    green_new = green_src*image_mask
    blue_new = blue_src*image_mask
    im_new = np.zeros(background.shape)
    im_new[:,:,0] = (red_new + red_dst)/255
    im_new[:,:,1] = (green_new + green_dst)/255
    im_new[:,:,2] = (blue_new + blue_dst)/255
    return im_new

We can test the above function using the results of your previous transforms:

In [14]:
Tc = np.matrix([[1,0,-billboard.shape[1]/2], [0,1,-billboard.shape[0]/2], [0,0,1]])
To = np.matrix([[1,0,banner.shape[1]/2], [0,1,banner.shape[0]/2], [0,0,1]])
plt.imshow(stitch_images(banner, billboard, To*R*S*SH*Tc))

4. (50 points) Build an combined affine transform function.

In this step, you will write a function that takes affine parameters as inputs and returns a combined $3 \times 3$ matrix.

DO THIS: Write a function that takes seven inputs and returns a transformation T. Name this function affine_transform. These include the following:

  • a - Rotation around the center of the image [-$180$,$180$].
  • sx - Sale factor for the image in the x direction (0,5]
  • sy - Sale factor for the image in the x direction (0,5]
  • tx - translation in the x direction (pixels)
  • ty - translation in the y direction (pixels)
  • shx - Shear in the x direction [0,1]
  • shy - Shear in the y direction [0,1]

The order of these is very important. First, assume the image is already centered, then apply shear, scaling, rotation, and finish with translation.

In [15]:
##Put your function here
def affine_transform(a=0,sx=0.5, sy=0.5,tx=0,ty=0,shx=0, shy=0):
    T = np.matrix([[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]])
    #Your transformations go here.
    return T

NOTE: The following tests are intended to help students (and facilitate grading), however, the instructors are aware that there are multiple correct answers that may may cause these tests to fail.

In [16]:
from answercheck import checkanswer
test1 = affine_transform()
plt.imshow(transform.warp(im, test1));
In [17]:
from answercheck import checkanswer
test2 = affine_transform(a=30,tx=400, ty=-300)
plt.imshow(transform.warp(im, test2));
In [18]:
from answercheck import checkanswer
test3 = affine_transform(a=20, sx=0.4, sy=0.4, shx=0.4, shy=0.3, tx=800, ty=50)
plt.imshow(transform.warp(im, test3));
In [19]:
from answercheck import checkanswer
test4 = affine_transform(shx=0.1, shy=0.3, tx=100,ty=250)
plt.imshow(transform.warp(im, test4));
In [20]:
from answercheck import checkanswer
test5 = affine_transform(tx=400,ty=100)
plt.imshow(transform.warp(im, test5));

5. (10 points) Exploring Transforms Interactively

In this final step, using the ipywidgets.interact (or ipywidgets.interact_manual) function to call your affine_transform function will turn all of the input parameters into sliders.

Note: if the affine_transform function was created correctly in Step 3, then the following function does not need to be changed and should work similar to the video at the beginning of this homework.

Here is a video similar (not exact) of what your final solution will look like:

In [21]:
from IPython.display import YouTubeVideo
In [22]:
forground = banner
background = billboard

def transform_and_plot(a=0,sx=0.5,sy=0.5, tx=0,ty=0, shx=0, shy=0):
    T = affine_transform(a=a,sx=sx, sy=sy,tx=tx,ty=ty,shx=shx, shy=shy)
    Tc = np.matrix([[1,0,-background.shape[1]/2], [0,1,-background.shape[0]/2], [0,0,1]])
    To = np.matrix([[1,0,forground.shape[1]/2], [0,1,forground.shape[0]/2], [0,0,1]])
    im_new = stitch_images(forground, background, To*T*Tc)
In [23]:
maxx = max(background.shape[0], forground.shape[0])
maxy = max(background.shape[1], forground.shape[1])
                sx=(0.001,5, 0.01), 
                sy=(0.001,5, 0.01), 
                shx = (-1,1,0.01), 
                shy = (-1,1,0.01));

DO THIS: Test your sliders and make sure they make sense. If the output differs slightly from the example video, explain what is different and why your solution also makes sense.


6. (10 points) Stitching the Billboad and Example images

Given what you learned above, record the angle (a), scaling (sx,xy), translation (tx,ty) and shear (shx,shy) values to generate the final transform that best fits the MSU banner image to the billboard image (similar to the image at the top of the homework).

In [24]:
T = affine_transform(a=0, 

im_new = stitch_images(banner, billboard, T)

7. (10 points) Be creative

Find two other examples images (include their URLs in the list at the top of this assignment). Stitch them together in a fun and creative way and show your final results.

NOTE: Any purely black pixels (R,G,B = 0,0,0) in your foreground image will act transparent when using the provided stitch_images function. This can allow for non-square overlapping images. Have fun with it.

DO THIS: Write code to display your images here. Make sure your instructor can use the code above to download the correct images.

In [25]:
# Put your display code here.

DO THIS: Design a transform to overlap one image with the other.

In [26]:
# Put your transform code here.

DO THIS: stitch your images together using your transform.

In [27]:
# Put your transform code here.

FEEDBACK: Please use the following cell to describe any problems you encountered and/or thoughts about this homework. Also feel free to describe how you picked your example.

Put your comments/feedback in this cell.

Congratulations, we're done!

Written by Dirk Colbry, Michigan State University Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.