In order to successfully complete this assignment you need to participate both individually and in groups during class. If you attend class in-person then have one of the instructors check your notebook and sign you out before leaving class. If you are attending asyncronously, turn in your assignment using D2L no later than 11:59pm on the day of class. See links at the end of this document for access to the class timeline for your section.

In-Class Assignment: Projections

Image from:

1. Quiz 4 Review

We wills pend the first part of class reviewing Quiz 4 and answering any questions you may have.

2. Understanding Projections With Code

In this in-class assignment, we are going to avoid some of the more advanced libraries ((i.e. no numpy or scipy or sympy) to try to get a better understanding about what is going on in the math. The following code implements some common linear algebra functions:

#Standard Python Libraries only
import math
import copy
def dot(u,v):
    '''Calculate the dot product between vectors u and v'''
    temp = 0;
    for i in range(len(u)):
        temp += u[i]*v[i]
    return temp
def multiply(m1,m2):
    '''Calculate the matrix multiplication between m1 and m2 represented as list-of-list.'''
    n = len(m1)
    d = len(m2)
    m = len(m2[0])
    if len(m1[0]) != d:
        print("ERROR - inner dimentions not equal")
    result = [[0 for i in range(n)] for j in range(m)]
    for i in range(0,n):
        for j in range(0,m):
            for k in range(0,d):
                result[i][j] = result[i][j] + m1[i][k] * m2[k][j]
    return result
def add_vectors(v1,v2):
    v3 = []
    for i in range(len(v1)):
    return v3
def sub_vectors(v1,v2):
    v3 = []
    for i in range(len(v1)):
    return v3
def norm(u):
    '''Calculate the norm of vector u'''
    nm = 0
    for i in range(len(u)):
        nm += u[i]*u[i]
    return math.sqrt(nm)
def transpose(A):
    '''Calculate the transpose of matrix A represented as list of lists'''
    n = len(A)
    m = len(A[0])
    AT = list()
    for j in range(0,m):    
        temp = list()
        for i in range(0,n):
    return AT

Projection function

**DO THIS:** Write a function that projects vector $v$ onto vector $u$. Do not use the numpy library. Instead use the functions provided above:

$$\mbox{proj}_u v = \frac{v \cdot u}{u \cdot u} u$$

Make sure this function will work for any size of $v$ and $u$.

def proj(v,u):
    ## Put your code here
    return pv

Let's test your function. Below are two vectors from an example in the book. Make sure you get the correct answers. You may want to test this code with more than one set of vectors.

u = [1,2,0,3]
v = [4,0,5,8]
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-9-9f6f2aeb781f> in <module>
      1 u = [1,2,0,3]
      2 v = [4,0,5,8]
----> 3 print(proj(u,v))

<ipython-input-8-c4def96db3f0> in proj(v, u)
      1 def proj(v,u):
      2     ## Put your code here
----> 3     return pv

NameError: name 'pv' is not defined
from answercheck import checkanswer

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-10-a4189b574488> in <module>
      1 from answercheck import checkanswer
----> 3 checkanswer.vector(proj(u,v),'53216508af49c616fa0f4e9676ce3b9d');

<ipython-input-8-c4def96db3f0> in proj(v, u)
      1 def proj(v,u):
      2     ## Put your code here
----> 3     return pv

NameError: name 'pv' is not defined

Visualizing projections

**DO THIS:**See if you can design and implement a small function that takes two vectors ($a$ and $b$) as inputs and generates a figure similar to the one above (at the beginning of the notebook).

I.e. a black line from the origin to "$b$", a black line from origin to "$a$"; a green line showing the "$a$" component in the "$b$" direction and a red line showing the "$a$" component orthogonal to the green line. Also see section titled "Projection of One Vector onto Another Vector" in Section 4.6 on page 258 of the book.

When complete, show your solution to the instructor.

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pylab as plt

b = [3,2]
a = [2,3]

def show_projection(a,b):
    plt.plot([0,a[0]], [0,a[1]], color='black')
    plt.annotate('b', b, 
            xytext=(0.9, 0.7), textcoords='axes fraction',
            arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05),
            horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top')
    plt.annotate('a', a, 
            xytext=(0.7, 0.95), textcoords='axes fraction',
            arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05),
            horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top')
    plt.plot([0,b[0]], [0,b[1]], color='black')
#Finish your code here

x = show_projection(a,b) ;

3. Gram-Schmidt Orthoganalization Process

**DO THIS:** Implement the Gram-Schmidt orthoganalization process from the textbook (page 259). This function takes a $m \times n$ Matrix $A$ with linearly independent columns as input and return a $m \times n$ Matrix $G$ with orthogonal column vectors. The basic algorithm works as follows:

  • AT = transpose(A) (this process works with the columns of the matrix so it is easier to work with the transpose. Think about a list of list, it is easy to get a row (a list)).
  • Make a new empty list of the same size as AT and call it GT (G transpose)
  • Loop index i over all of the rows in AT (i.e. columns of A)

    • GT[i] = AT[i]
    • Loop index j from 0 to i
      • GT[i] -= proj(GT[i], GT[j])
  • G = transpose(GT)

Use the following function definition as a template:

def GramSchmidt(A):
    return G

Here, we are going to test your function using the vectors:

A4 = [[1,4,8],[2,0,1],[0,5,5],[3,8,6]]
G4 = GramSchmidt(A4)
[[1, 2, 0, 3], [4, 0, 5, 8], [8, 1, 5, 6]]
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-13-988ef65caa42> in <module>
      1 A4 = [[1,4,8],[2,0,1],[0,5,5],[3,8,6]]
      2 print(transpose(A4))
----> 3 G4 = GramSchmidt(A4)
      4 print(transpose(G4))

<ipython-input-12-fe4da9894c4f> in GramSchmidt(A)
      1 def GramSchmidt(A):
----> 2     return G

NameError: name 'G' is not defined
from answercheck import checkanswer

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-14-ca3e33b75c5f> in <module>
      1 from answercheck import checkanswer
----> 3 checkanswer.matrix(G4,'a472a81eef411c0df03ae9a072dfa040');

NameError: name 'G4' is not defined
A2 = [[-4,-6],[3,5]]
G2 = GramSchmidt(A2)
[[-4, 3], [-6, 5]]
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-15-32cbb6686451> in <module>
      1 A2 = [[-4,-6],[3,5]]
      2 print(transpose(A2))
----> 3 G2 = GramSchmidt(A2)
      4 print(transpose(G2))

<ipython-input-12-fe4da9894c4f> in GramSchmidt(A)
      1 def GramSchmidt(A):
----> 2     return G

NameError: name 'G' is not defined
from answercheck import checkanswer

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-16-7b000b377c29> in <module>
      1 from answercheck import checkanswer
----> 3 checkanswer.matrix(G2,'23b9860b72dbe5b84d7c598c08af9688');

NameError: name 'G2' is not defined

**QUESTION:** What is the Big-O complexity of the Gram-Schmidt process?

Put your answer here

Congratulations, we're done!

If you attend class in-person then have one of the instructors check your notebook and sign you out before leaving class. If you are attending remote, turn in your assignment using D2L.

Course Resources:

Written by Dirk Colbry, Michigan State University Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.