In order to successfully complete this assignment you need to participate both individually and in groups during class. If you attend class in-person then have one of the instructors check your notebook and sign you out before leaving class. If you are attending asyncronously, turn in your assignment using D2L no later than 11:59pm on the day of class. See links at the end of this document for access to the class timeline for your section.

In-Class Assignment: Eigenproblems

Image from:

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
import sympy as sym

2. Introduction to Markov Models

In probability theory, a Markov model is a stochastic model used to model randomly changing systems. It is assumed that future states depend only on the current state, not on the events that occurred before it.

A diagram representing a two-state Markov process, with the states labelled E and A. Each number represents the probability of the Markov process changing from one state to another state, with the direction indicated by the arrow. For example, if the Markov process is in state A, then the probability it changes to state E is 0.4, while the probability it remains in state A is 0.6.

From: Wikipedia

The above state model can be represented by a transition matrix.

$$ \begin{array}{cc} & \text{Current State} \\ P = & \begin{bmatrix} p_{A\rightarrow A} & p_{E\rightarrow A} \\ p_{A\rightarrow E} & p_{E\rightarrow E} \end{bmatrix} \end{array} \text{Next state} $$

In other words we can write the above as follows

A = np.matrix([[0.6, 0.7],[0.4, 0.3]])
$$\left[\begin{matrix}0.6 & 0.7\\0.4 & 0.3\end{matrix}\right]$$

Notice how the columns in the matrix all add to one. This is because all of the transition probabilities out of a matrix must add to 100 percent.

Now, consider the following house map with cats in each room...

At each time step, there is an equal probability of a cat staying in their current room or moving to a new room. If a cat chooses to leave a room, then there is an equal chance of that cat picking any of the doors in the room to leave.

DO THIS : Try to draw a Markov chain (Markov matrix) for the above system of equations. Be prepared to share your diagram with the class.

A Markov chain can be represented as a Markov transition model of the form $Ax=b$. Where $A$ is your probability tranisition matrix (often represented as a $P$ instead of an $A$). $x$ is the state before the transition and $b$ is the state after the transition.

QUESTION: Generate a Markov transition model represented as a matrix $P$ of the form: $$ \begin{array}{ccc} & \text{Current Room} \\ P = & \begin{bmatrix} p_{11} & p_{12} & p_{13} \\ p_{21} & p_{22} & p_{23} \\ p_{31} & p_{32} & p_{33} \end{bmatrix} \end{array} \text{Next Room} $$

Where $p_{mn}$ are probability transitions of the cat moving between rooms (from room $n$ to room $m$):

##put your answer here
from answercheck import checkanswer

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-e98649d62fe2> in <module>
      1 from answercheck import checkanswer
----> 3 checkanswer.matrix(P,'1001a6fa07727caf8ce05226b765542c');

NameError: name 'P' is not defined

QUESTION: Let's assume that the system starts with; 6 cats in room 1, 15 cats in room 2, and 3 cats in room 3. How many cats will be in each room after one time step (Store the values in a vector called current_state)?

#Put your answer to the above question here.
from answercheck import checkanswer

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-b8c461027fc6> in <module>
      1 from answercheck import checkanswer
----> 3 checkanswer.vector(current_state,'98d5519be82a0585654de5eda3a7f397');

NameError: name 'current_state' is not defined

QUESTION: The following code will plot the number of cats as a function of time ($t$). When this system converges, what is the steady state?

#Define Start State
room1 = [6]
room2 = [15]
room3 = [3]

current_state = np.matrix([room1, room2, room3])

for i in range(10):
    #update Current State
    current_state = P*current_state
    #Store history for each room
plt.plot(room1, label="room1");
plt.plot(room2, label="room2");
plt.plot(room3, label="room3");
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-c7c346084fd0> in <module>
      8 for i in range(10):
      9     #update Current State
---> 10     current_state = P*current_state
     12     #Store history for each room

NameError: name 'P' is not defined

Inspect the generated graaph and put your answer to the above question here

QUESTION: Calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of your $P$ transition matrix.

##put your answer here

The eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue of 1 represents the steady state probability for our original transition matrix $P$.

DO THIS: make a new vector called steadystate from the eigenvector of your $P$ matrix with a eigenvalue of 1.

## Put your answer here

Since the steadystate vectors represent long term probibilities, they should sum to one (1). However, most programming libraries (ex. numpy and sympy) return "normalize" eigenvectors to length of 1 (i.e. norm(e)==1).

DO THIS: Correct for the normalization by multiplying the steadystate eigenvector by a constant such that the sum of the vector elements add to 1.

#Put your answer here

DO THIS: Think about the cats problem, because one cat has to be in one of the three rooms. That means, the total number of cats will not change. If we add the number of cats at all rooms together, this number has to be the same. Therefore, if we start will 6+15+3=24 cats, there are also 24 cats at the steadystate. Modify the steadystate to make sure the total number of cats is 24.

QUESTION: Why does the sum of the number at every stage will not change?

Put your answer here

3. Another Markov Model Example

A sports broadcaster wishes to predict how many Michigan residents prefer University of Michigan teams and how many prefer Michigan State teams. She noticed that, year after year, most people stick with their preferred team; however, about 5% of Michigan fans switch to Michigan State, and about 3% of Michigan State fans switch to Michigan each year. However, there is no noticeable difference in the state's population of 10 million's preference at large; in other words, it seems Michigan sports fans have reached a stationary distribution. What might that be?

This problem is from

DO THIS: Try to draw a Markov chain for the above system of equations. Discuss your diagram with your classmate.

**QUESTION:** Write a system of linear equations that represents how the populations change each year. Check your equations by writing the matrix P for the probability transitions matrix in your equations. Make sure your first row/column represents MSU and the second row/column represents UofM.

Put your answer here

from answercheck import checkanswer

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-d17b8a21a5fb> in <module>
      1 from answercheck import checkanswer
----> 3 checkanswer.vector(P,'1d3f7cbebef4b610f3b0a2d97609c81f');

NameError: name 'P' is not defined

**QUESTION:** Calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of your $P$ transition matrix.

#Put the answer to the above quesiton here. 

**QUESTION:** Assuming each team starts with 500,000 fans use the what is the steady state of this model? (i.e. in the long term how many Spartan and WOlverine fans will there be?).

#Put your answer here
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-14-756224fe178f> in <module>
----> 1 steadystate

NameError: name 'steadystate' is not defined
from answercheck import checkanswer

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-15-38d9bbf32432> in <module>
      1 from answercheck import checkanswer
----> 3 checkanswer.float(spartans,'06d263de629f4dbe51eafd524b69ddd9');

NameError: name 'spartans' is not defined
from answercheck import checkanswer

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-16-cf46bca0bb7a> in <module>
      1 from answercheck import checkanswer
----> 3 checkanswer.float(wolverines,'62d63699c8f7b886ec9b3cb651bba753');

NameError: name 'wolverines' is not defined

Congratulations, we're done!

If you attend class in-person then have one of the instructors check your notebook and sign you out before leaving class. If you are attending remote, turn in your assignment using D2L.

Course Resources:

Written by Dirk Colbry, Michigan State University Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.