CMSE 495


This is the webpage for CMSE495 Data Science Capstone Course. These materials are provided as an Open Educational Resource (OER). Instructors interested in using these classroom resources should reach out to Dirk Colbry ( who can provide all the materials and instructor notes.

View the Project on GitHub msu-cmse-courses/cmse495-SS23

Figure Reproducibility

Example project figure

The goal of this assignment it to provide complete instructions about how figures and visualizations are generated. All figures you generate as part of your project should follow these guidelines in your final deliverables. This milestone is for you to complete at least one figure and demonstrate your understanding of what is expected.

1. Deliverables

Generate a text file (typically a jupyter notebook file is ideal because it can include code, however a markdown may also be appropriate) with complete instructions that describe how you created each of your figures for your project. Basically any figure you generate should have complete instructions about how that figure was generated.

More than one file is acceptable as ALL of your figures will need an associated instruction file in your final deliverables.

2. What to include

Typical instructions should include the following:

As much as possible try to automate the instructions. The best instructions will just allow the reader to run the notebook and produce the figure. However, that may not be possible. Instead you need to include steps that include any manual steps.

It is also acceptable for a single notebook to generate multiple related figures.

Getting credit for your assignment

Although you will need instructions for all of your figures the goal of this project is to commit at least one figure instruction file to your project git repository on or before the due date. Make sure it is clear where the file is located (i.e. update your file). Your instructor will download your repository and check your instructions and try to reproduce your results.

Written by Dr. Dirk Colbry, Michigan State University Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.