This is the webpage for CMSE495 Data Science Capstone Course. These materials are provided as an Open Educational Resource (OER). Instructors interested in using these classroom resources should reach out to Dirk Colbry ( who can provide all the materials and instructor notes.
Today we will go around the room and answer questions about our project videos. There should be enough time for everyone to get though the presentations and questions. However, if we go over we will continue them on Wednesday.
Do we have any shout outs for this week? How are things going?
When you get to class, log onto CATME and provide a review of you and your team’s performance on the slide development milestone.
NOTE Dirk has heard your feedback regarding the frequency of this feedback.
You must fill out this form 9 times (for all projects except your own). I realize this is a lot but please do your best to provide useful feedback to your peers.
Written by Dr. Dirk Colbry, Michigan State University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.