This is the webpage for CMSE495 Data Science Capstone Course. These materials are provided as an Open Educational Resource (OER). Instructors interested in using these classroom resources should reach out to Dirk Colbry ( who can provide all the materials and instructor notes.
This week we will practice issueing a “pull request” from a git repository.
Turns out I didn’t think through the git repository and put it on github instead of gitlab. I need the repository on gitlab because it uses MSU NETID and I can track grading. Your first step is to go find your issue in the github repository and Copy/Paste it to the new GitLab Repository
You need to do this to get credit for the issues project from last week.
The following is a list of teams and the an assigned tutorial form previous semesters.
Team | Tutorial |
Boeing - Defect Prediction | GAMA_AutoML_Tutorial.ipynb |
CEPI - Anomaly Detection | GUI_Tutorial.ipynb |
D2L - Instructor API | GoogleSheetsTutorial.ipynb |
Henry Ford Hospital - Image Segmentation | Video-Image-Data-Tutorial |
Intramotev - Autonomous Vehicles | tpot_tutorial.ipynb |
Kellogg - Deduction Classification | Zotero_Instructions.ipynb |
Kinesiology - 40 yard dash | AudioDataTutorial.ipynb |
NC3 - Community Capital | tpot_tutorial.ipynb |
Neogen - Pesticide Analysis | Auto-SKLearn_AutoML |
Olson - Campain finance Data | social_media_scraper |
QSIDE - Human trafficking | censusdata_package_tutorial |
QSIDE - Justfare Toolbox | GUI_Tutorial.ipynb |
SME | Zotero_Instructions.ipynb |
Use some of your time to remind yourself how to issue a pull request and do the following:
Note, although you can make changes using the GitLAB website it is highly recommended that you use this time to practice/learn how to make proper pull requests using the command line. If you don’t know how find yourself a video or tutorial.
Each member of the team should submit at least a different pull request. Try to coordinate so that pull requests do not conflict with each other. Your instructors will review and merge the pull requests.
NOTE: I realize we are using a lot of jargon. This is normal when you start a new job. Please research anything you don’t understand and talk with your team. Come to your instructor with questions if you can’t figure out something together.
Written by Dr. Dirk Colbry, Michigan State University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.