CMSE 495


This is the webpage for CMSE495 Data Science Capstone Course. These materials are provided as an Open Educational Resource (OER). Instructors interested in using these classroom resources should reach out to Dirk Colbry ( who can provide all the materials and instructor notes.

View the Project on GitHub msu-cmse-courses/cmse495-SS23

In-Class Assignment: Team Meetings

Key to your success this semester is working together as a group and being effective when you are together. Today we are going to practice conducting meetings.

Class Agenda

  1. (30 minutes) Tower Building Exercise
  2. (50 minutes) Team “working” Meeting

0. Sit with your teams

Make sure you sit with your team. One person on the team plug in their computer and post their “team name tag” on one or both of the monitors. You will be expected to do this each class without reminders. Remember your team name tag should include:

1. Tower Building Exersize

Instructor has slides for this (with surprises)

2. Team “Working” Meeting

Although some of you may have talked since Wednesday, we have time set aside today for your first official team meeting. Your instructors have created an agenda for you (See below). Please use the tools we learned on Wednesday to conduct the meeting.

Meeting Agenda

Understanding Git

It is assumed that you have been introduced to git in previous classes. We will be using it a lot in this class. Students that are uncomfortable with git may want to review the following tutorials. It is the entire teams responsibility to help your fellow members learn and use git properly:

Another fun resouce is the following game which tries to teach you git:

Getting Credit for this assignment

To get credit for this assignment submit your meeting notes to your teams drive. Before you leave you must make sure that everyone on the team (including the instructors) are able to clone your repository.

Written by Dr. Dirk Colbry, Michigan State University Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.