This is the webpage for CMSE495 Data Science Capstone Course (Spring 2022)
It is expected that each team will email a weekly Three-by-three (3x3) reflection to the instructors every Wednesday. The 3x3 reflection will consist of three major topics with exactly three bullet points in each topic (not 2 or 4). The three topics include; 1) What your team accomplish since your last report, 2) Challenges, Questions or problems your team is trying to solve 3) Your teams plans for next week. Each of the 9 bullets in the 3x3 reflection should be no longer than a couple of sentences. Additional details can be placed in the same email after the report (not required).
A typical report would have the following format:
Hello CMSE495 Instructors, Below is team NAME’s 3x3 report for the week.
RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that you use a shared editing system such as Google Docs to keep track of your 3x3 reports and assign one member from your team to copy and paste your reflection in an email to send to the instructors. Make sure you CC the rest of the team so everyone knows it has been submitted.
Written by Dr. Dirk Colbry, Michigan State University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.