CMSE 495


This is the webpage for CMSE495 Data Science Capstone Course (Spring 2022)

View the Project on GitHub msu-cmse-courses/cmse495-SS22

Finish Tower Code

Agenda (80 Minutes)

1. Finish Tower Code

DO THIS: Do a git pull on the tower project as it is so far. Everyone in the course should be a devoper. As a developer create a branch off the master and switch to that branch. Try to make changes in your branch instead of the main repository.

DO THIS: Now lets finish the graph theory problem from last time. I assume that this will take most of class today as well. Make and commit changes to your branch and issue a pull/merge request to the central repository.

DO THIS: When you are done, go ahead and issue a pull request from your group. This will be sent to the managment group to try organize all of the cod into one.

2. Group Presentations

Each of the bigger groups will give a presentation about the design desitions made by the sub-groups and give a demo of the project of the entire group.

Written by Dr. Dirk Colbry, Michigan State University Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.