This is the webpage for CMSE495 Data Science Capstone Course (Spring 2022)
In class today we are going to try an experiment to write some code as a team. We will take a fairly complex problem and divide it up into parts. Each team will work on their part and then we will try to compile them as a group and see if they all work together.
Use the following Google document to share notes with the other members of your team.
Team A | Team B | |
Download | Boeing | Ford |
Knn | Hope Village | AFRL |
Graph Coloring | Argonne | Neogen |
Map Plot | Old Nation | QSIDE |
Management | Kelloggs | Delta Dental |
The signals from different cellphone towers that are close together can interfere.
In order to avoid this overlap cell phone companies use different frequency ranges in the Electromagnetic spectrum. Two towers that are close together but have differences in frequencies (shown as colors, red/green/black in the following figure) do not cause nearly as much interference.
However, cellphone towers are never distributed in such an even pattern. Consider the following map which shows the location of cell towers around Michigan State.
Another problem is that cellphone companies have to pay for each frequency range they use. So they would like minimize the number of frequencies that they need to purchase while also minimizing the interference between the cell towers.
Today we are going to go though the steps to solve this problem using graph theory.
I have broken the project down the following programming components:
Assuming we get all of these steps written as functions we could imagine a program of the following form
locations = downloadTowerData(filename)
graph = kNN(locations,k)
colors = GreedyGraphColoring(graph, M)
mapplot(locations, colors)
Where each of the variables are of the following types:
- $n \times 2$ numpy array of longitude and latitude point locations.graph
- adjacency matrix represented as a matrix.colors
- $n$ list of numbers representing colors. Is just indexes in the range $0-M$ where $M$ is just the number of colors we need to assign.We are going to try to write each component separately and then assemble them as a class.
✅ DO THIS: As a class break up evenly into groups, one group for each of the four steps plus a “management” group.
The management group will create a git repository and share it with the class. It is their job to organize the functions together while individual groups work on them. I recommend having each group generate a python file for their function with the end goal of getting something like the following working:
from downloadTowerData import downloadTowerData
from kNN import kNN
from GreedyGraphColoring import GreedyGraphColoring
from mapplot import mapplot
locations = downloadTowerData(filename)
graph = kNN(locations,k)
colors = GreedyGraphColoring(graph, M)
mapplot(locations, colors)
For the other groups you should do the following:
Key to the success of this project is careful communication between the groups. If a group gets done early and join the management group to help each other out. Good luck!
locations = downloadTowerData(filename)
We will be using antenna data from the following website:
NOTE: If the above isn’t working (updated interface) you can use this file.
Download a csv file from the above website for all of the towers in a 4.0 Mile radius from the MSU engineering building (567 Wilson Road, East Landing, MI 58824).
✅ DO THIS: Write a importTowerData
stub function that ignores the input and returns a random $n \times 2$ set of points where $n$ is the number of towers.
✅ DO THIS: Write a importTowerData
function to load the file into Python and generate a list of latitude and longitude for the towers. Output the points as a $n \times 2$ where $n$ is the number of towers.
graph = kNN(locations,k)
✅ DO THIS: Write a function that takes a set of points as an $n \times 2$ numpy matrix and returns a random graph in the form of a python dictionary. Doesn’t have to be complex just something that can be easily passed on to the graph coloring function.
✅ DO THIS: Write a function that takes a set of points as an $n \times 2$ numpy matrix and returns an adjacency graph (in the form of a python dictionary). More information about the algorithm can be found here:
Basically the algorithm loops though all of the points and finds the nearest neighbor to each point.
colors = GreedyGraphColoring(graph, M)
✅ DO THIS: Write a stub function that takes a dictionary as an input and assigns a random color to each point in the graph. The colors will be represented as list of numbered indexes 0−M.
✅ DO THIS: Write a function that takes a dictionary as an input and applies the greedy graph coloring algorithm on the network. It is highly recommended that you find a library that has already implemented greedy graph coloring but you can write the algorithm if you want. Hint there is a lot of descriptions of greedy graph coloring on google.
HINT: If you use an external library, the hardest part of this algorithm may be data converting from a dictionary to whatever format the library uses. If done right, it is possible that the function is just a bunch of lines of code.
mapplot(locations, colors)
✅ DO THIS: Write a stub function that takes a graph (as a dictionary) and a list of color indexes (as a list) and plots them. The stub function can just use a simple scatter
✅ DO THIS: This one is a little tricky so extend the stub function to then color the plot using the color indexes. Assign a unique color for each index. We can assume a finite indexes of 4-5 colors but think about how the function should handle the case with a very large $M$.
✅ DO THIS: Write a function that takes a graph and a list of color indexes and plots them on a map of Michigan State. Similar to the following (note these colors are just an example and not a correct greedy graph coloring):
Hint: I highly recommend using the folium library.
Written by Dr. Dirk Colbry, Michigan State University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.