Link to this document's Jupyter Notebook

There are two due dates for this assignment. First, you need to set up your assignment git repository on or before Feburary 4th so your instructor can test and make sure everything is working as expected. Second, you then need to complete the assignment instructions and then add/commit/push your files to your git repository on or before 11:59pm on Thursday February 25. Your instructor highly recommends committing early and often.

Homework 2: Image Processing using OMP

In this assignment, you are going to modify and improve the processing speed of an edge detector for grayscale PNG images. Edge detection is an image processing technique to find boundaries of objects in images. Here are an example image and the detected edges:

Note: this homework was motivated and adapted from:

The files necessary for this assignment are found in a git repository. To turn in this assignment you MUST 'fork' this repository on the MSU github account and add your instructor "" to your forked repository so he can grade it. Use the following instructions:

DO THIS: On or before February 4th Fork the instructor's repository, set the permissions, clone your fork to your HPCC account and make sure you can compile and run the software. Note, this program uses the libpng library which is already installed on the HPCC.

  1. Navigate to the Edge_Detection git repository using your web browser and hit the "fork" button (upper right corner) and fork a copy to your personal namespace.
  2. Invite your instructor to be a "member" of your forked repository by selecting the "members" setting (lower left) and inviting entering their email ( and setting the role to "Reporter".
  3. Change your "Project visibility" setting to "private" which can be found under "settings"-->"General" and clicking the "expand" button next to "Visibility, project features, permissions".
  4. Copy the URL for your forked repository and paste it to the following online form on or before February 4th(so your instructor can test permissions): Git repository Submission form
  5. Clone your forked repository on the HPCC and work from there.
  6. Change to the repository and run the following commands to verify the code is working:
    make clean
    make test
  7. To complete this assignment commit all of your changes to your forked repository on or before 11:59pm on Thursday February 25

Note: if for any reason you can not figure out git, please review the git tutorial and go to your instructors office hours. If you would like, you may "tar zip" (tgz) a backup of your repository to your instructor on the by 11:59pm on Thursday February 25.

Goals for this assignment:

By the end of this assignment, you should be able to:

Example image of SpartyExample edge detection taken of the Sparty Image